jueves, 1 de diciembre de 2016

The most interesting subject this semester

Hi English class

Today I'm going to write about a subject of this semester that I think is more interesting. That subject is Geomorphology.

Geomorphology is a subject relationated with the study of the formation and the evolution of practically the earth, with his processes and theories about the ages and the changes on the earth about a million of years ago and the present too.

My teacher is Maria Victoria Soto, and I think that is a good teacher, she knows many about the subject and is very histrionic for doing the class, then you stay writing notes or pay attention all the class.

I have this class  tuesday morning's until the 13.30 p.m. and the last class and the next class we have a tearrain study, we went to Farellones last tuesday and the next we will gone to Melipilla- San Antonio.

I think that the subject is interesting because I like known about the formations, and how was formed the places where we live, the mountains, the fluviomarine terraces, the rivers courses, and obviously the glaciers and the procceses that had to happen for the earth be like now and the proccesses that are happen now with his changes for the future and then... is a chain of causes and consequences.

Well, this is the area that I want study and to develop like an professional in a near future, cause since I was little I was interested in this kind of disciplines going a paleontology course when I was a child, then is all relacionated and now I realize that.

for another part, Geomorphology is very important for any geographer, if you dedicate for a phisical geography or social, you have to understand the processes of the earth and specially in Chile, cause is a country with many changes and bad planification of the people. We have to know this subjects for change the risk of our friends and the chilean people.


1 comentario:

  1. Hi, I think It's a fundamental subject in the career and Maria Victoria is a great teacher, i can't wait to learn it! cheers!
